S3: Sponsor and Secondary Solutions

S3: Sponsor and Secondary Solutions

Apollo | S3 Sponsor & Secondary Solutions

Our Approach

Our Approach

S3 brings scale, speed and flexibility to private markets secondaries

S3 is Apollo’s Sponsor and Secondary Solutions business. It provides a holistic set of financing and liquidity solutions across the yield, hybrid and equity spectrum to asset managers and limited partners. As a natural extension of Apollo’s global investment platform, S3 is able to offer partner-oriented capital across asset classes including private equity, private credit, infrastructure and real estate. Our flexible solutions seek to help private market participants meet their strategic goals at a wide range of capital costs.

GP and Asset Manager Solutions

GP and Asset Manager Solutions

Financing Solutions
  • NAV-based fund finance and other fund-secured lending
  • Secured lending to management companies
  • Preferred equity and mezzanine debt solutions
Continuation Solutions
  • Single-asset solutions
  • Multi-asset solutions
  • Fund-wide and multi-fund solutions
Partnership Capital
  • GP minority equity and seed capital for funds
  • LP capital
  • Revenue shares and other strategic partnerships

LP and Investor Solutions

LP and Investor Solutions

Credit Solutions
  • Liquidity solutions for single private debt funds / single manager LP interests
  • Liquidity solutions for multi-fund portfolios and strips
  • Liquidity solutions for portfolios of direct investments and other illiquid interests
Equity & Hybrid Solutions
  • Liquidity solutions for single fund / single manager LP interests
  • Liquidity solutions for multi-fund portfolios and strips
  • Liquidity solutions for portfolios of direct investments and other illiquid interests
Fund Finance and Structured Lending
  • Asset- and portfolio-based lending and other secured liquidity solutions
  • Preferred financing structures
  • Recapitalizations and structured capital injections

S3 x Apollo

S3 x Apollo


  • Purposefully designed to provide a holistic set of financing and liquidity solutions for private markets sponsors and investors
  • Solutions-oriented with flexible asset class focus across yield, hybrid and equity 
  • ­Experienced and dedicated team with a long history of leadership and collaboration, working as trusted partners in the secondaries and liquidity solutions markets


  • Powered by one of the world’s leading alternative asset managers providing innovative capital solutions
  • Global expertise in yield, hybrid and equity and across the risk/reward spectrum
  • Partnership-oriented mindset and aligned investment philosophy with a focus on holistic solutions and complexity that we believe is well-suited for secondaries as an opportunistic and dislocation-oriented strategy

Insights and Updates

Insights and Updates

Secondaries | Investment Insight

The Expanding Opportunities for Sponsor and Secondary Solutions

Today, investors face a unique and challenging macroeconomic environment, defined by tightening monetary and financial conditions, inflation and volatility. Against this uncertain backdrop, we believe that there will be an increased desire for liquidity and that private market secondaries are poised to offer flexible capital and creative solutions to both LPs and GPs.

Decorative image featuring birds eye view of buildings

Our Team

Our Team

Partnership- and collaboration-oriented
Experienced leadership and innovative platform
Demonstrated ability to embrace complexity and creativity

Our Breadth

Our Breadth

S3's solutions span the entire private markets landscape.




Real Estate

Energy &
Real Assets


Growth &

Decorative icon

“As structural growth and maturation of the private markets creates an increasing need for solutions-oriented capital, Apollo saw a clear opportunity for a differentiated approach in launching S3.”

Jim Zelter
Apollo Co-President


S3 is part of Apollo’s integrated platform, but operates with additional protocols to provide enhanced information protection. S3’s focus on confidential information segregation and security allows it to operate similarly to peer secondary firms in the market.

Explore Our Other Equity Strategies

Explore Our Other Equity Strategies